
The professional Merlinposter is here!Last update: 27/09/2024

Let me tell you the story of mai


  • Mai (Or Mai + anything)

  • She/Him (Genderfluid)

  • Merlinposter

  • Programing mage (software development engineering)

  • Entp-A

  • scorpio

  • Age is 20+

  • 31/10 birthday

Before you follow

  • I tweet in spanish almost all the time, yet i can speak english, lol

  • Merlin-related spoilers anytime any moment! beware!

  • I rarely use trigger warnings, not my common usage

  • Sometimes i post a lot of jokes or heavy humor stuff without any warning, so do not take everything seriously (?)

  • This is my personal account so I usually rant about IRL/Internet stuff

  • I dislike a lot of characters, ships, fictional stuff, etc. do not take my comments about those things personally

  • only people that know fiction is not reality are welcome here

  • I am Mai, yeet!

Do not interact?
No, Interact!

I do have my own criteria of specific type of people, but I think it's better to know new and different people and their perspectives about some things, perphaps i'll learn something cool
So lets interact!